Bitcoin SV Microblogging Playground

This website uses an open source Bitcoin SV library called Paydata to construct and broadcast OP_RETURN Bitcoin SV Transactions.

1. All the signing takes place 100% on the client side so your private key is safe. (Check out the source code to make sure)

2. After the signed transaction is constructed, you can broadcast it to Bitcoin SV network by pressing the "Send" button. This will broadcast the signed transaction through a public JSON-RPC endpoint.

Step 1. Select a protocol

Generate a post for Generate a post for Blockpress

Step 2. Write a message

Step 3. Paste the private key

Step 4. Review the DSL

generated DSL will show up here

Step 5. The DSL generates the following transaction

generated Transaction will show up here

Step 6. Send the hex encoded transaction!

a hex encoded version of the transaction will show up here